Sunday, October 23, 2011

TIME OUT! - The Journey

As usual, it was a normal day where I was doing my normal stuff at work. You know getting news, working on my show and then trying to write my scripts for the stories i do. Then the usual boredom arrived and whether you like it or not, i went to my friend at work to gain some relief. That friend is your friend too...he is the most common friend to every single person in this planet. I am talking about FACEBOOK of course...Usual random scanning, checking what other friends have posted...Seeing who are the potential people i can chat with online...Then i saw this invite coming from a person who i just made friend with on FB...An invite that came to me just like a bolt from the blue...An invite for a Christian Adventure Camp in Kotagiri - a hill station situated 63 kms from Coimbatore, my native place.

Well i was looking for a break from my workplace. Had to go out on reporting duty in the first week of October to Pune and had a hectic time and a much required break was awaited. Well, in my profession, a reporter is always on stand-by mode...If something major happens i could be called back...And this invite came at the right time. But then i had questions in my mind...Should i for fort it? Its in Kotagir, Tamil Nadu, so far? I dont know anyone? Well praying that nothing comes up, i applied for leave.

Leave! Approved and the next day, Tickets to Coimbatore Booked! Yippeee...Sigh of Relief but then my brain reminded me of my profession and the stand by mode that all we reporter are...October 14th arrived, Baggage packed and took my tickets in one hand and pushed to the airport and headed to Coimbatore.

Touchdown Coimbatore!! Back to my native place and met my cousins and relatives. I just love this city. It just take me to another zone all together. Coimbatore, they say, is known for its hospitality and being my native place i can vouch for that. The people, the food, the places and most of all the 365 days, 24x7 pleasant weather is just amazing.

Will have to cut the long story short. Met a bunch of people at Mettupallayam Railway Station - We were suppose to take two cars from there to head upwards to Kotagiri. So it was 8 of us waiting for our mode of transport to pick us up. Guess what? One of the cars that was suppose to reach us to Koatagir was hit by a Bison (Wild mean and healthy looking Buffalo)...Not the first thing you want to hear. But a substitute car arrived and we all were up and away to our destination.

Reached Kotagiri...I didnt know when we arrived as i was fast asleep and woke up only few minutes before we reached the campsite..UESI, Highfield...Well thats all in this blog coz i dont want to put people to sleep...Do comeback here again for an update of what the camp was all about...

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