Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who is the next "In-Turn" ?

This blog comes after a really protracted hiatus – actually the frequency between each of my blogs is quite long, which you may think is because of my lazy attitude. But it is not. I just don’t have the time to update them unlike most of my ‘blogger-friends’ who somehow manage to find out some precious time out of this bad world and keep updating them. I wonder how. I hope to continue blogging in a more frequent basis.

Now before I forget, let me get to the point as to why I am writing this blog. The previous blog shows a synopsis of the work environment at Asian Age – a publication where I used to intern. And now I wish to illustrate my current work place and a few friends and colleagues too. I assure you that this time around I will try and keep the ‘unwanted’ details away.

Now after almost five months of just sitting at home doing nothing I finally got a call from an English news channel called News X, which at one time was soaring high on the TRP ratings leaving behind Times Now and NDTV. The offer was for a sports intern. Previous I have had experience as a sports intern in a publication but that was the print medium and a news channel comes under electronic media or commonly known as Broadcast. I joined around the second week of January, 2010 on a month’s probation just to see how I get acclimatized with this medium. I must say it is very different but it has been a really joyous ride so far. Now for the people whom I know and am comfortable with. I am actually the sports intern and there is the entertainment intern and two other interns who cover general news. Oh! I almost forgot about another intern who has been interning for the past 3 months or so and claims to get absorbed in few days. (This claim of his is heard every week).
Now I don’t want to name any intern and create a ruckus within a ruckus. So let’s call them A, B, C, D and E. So, since all the interns are christened once again, let me thrown in a small situation that happened in the office and most of us (the interns) are trying to figure out the question that was asked in this situation.

Location:News X Office
Mood: Pretty decent, like any other day, calm and little bit of ambient noise
Cast: A, B and C (A=General Intern 1, B=General Intern 2 and C=Myself)
Scene 1: (A is busy on the computer doing some research, C is reading the newspapers and B is just sitting on one of those hydraulic chairs.)
B (randomly-from out of nowhere): “How many hours do you spend with your girlfriend?”
(Moment of silence) – (Both, A and C look at each other equally bemused and almost burst out in laughter when B, again shoots the same question)
A and C together: “Hahahahahahahah! (Exchange high-fives) hahahahahahahah!”
B: “Come on! Like when you go to the beach or hold hands…or go for coffee, how long?”
A: “What kind of a question is this man? Try rearranging your question and please shoot it again.”
C: “Now who calculates every single minute or hour when you are out with your girl-friend? And first of all, I don’t have a girl-friend”
B: “No! I meant which is the longest you have spent with your girlfriend?”
A: “What? You are not making any sense Mr. B. Please stop frying our brains.”
(B decides abruptly ends the conversation by just getting up and walking away saying he needs to go out. After B left, A and C look at each other and again burst out into laughter and are still, to this day trying to figure out the reason behind the question)


Well, you read the above scene and I am sure you guys too might be laughing and wondering about the question. You know, there are times when you go into your room at your home and sit alone and look up to the ceiling and ask, “Why? Why me? Please God, tell me why?” I know you guys might have gone through these times. He wasn’t present the next day after the incident and that’s when I decided I have to write a blog and mention this situation.

Well let me now give you a brief description of D – The entertainment intern. He in most cases comes to office with an inebriated look and his eyes (Always in crimson) suggest that there is something really bad happening behind the scenes. He greets everyone in the office with is trademark phrase, “Hi my friend! How are you?” Now whenever he is seen in office, no one gives him an iota of a chance to greet others but it is the opposite person that greets him first with his very own trademark phrase. He is basically not seen much in office because of the increasing entertainment events that are happening in the city and he attends and covers them a lot.

Then there is E – The general and most senior of the clan and very hard-working. He doesn’t have any trademark phrase but everyone in office can pretty much tell when and where he is. Even before he enters the office, there will be someone who guesses that it is Mr. E who is coming. Basically, he has a loud voice and keeps informing everyone coming his way about what story he had been to cover. Right from the security guard to the person he is supposed to report to. (Even the lift operator knows what stories we cover…Thanks to Mr. E)

Well in most cases I feel, that hard-work does pay. May be later if not soon. But if you start to blow you own trumpet, my friend, you are looking for some serious trouble and a possible snub by your own colleagues. It is good that a person does hard-work and somehow manages to get the job done in whichever way possible but you also need to keep a curb on your God-damn mouth. Let your work speak volumes not you.
Finally, I have successfully posted a blog after quite a long time now…This is proof that blogs really help you in many ways if not one. I don’t know what I tried to prove through this blog but I just wanted a topic to show that I can blog even if there is nothing to blog.

See you next time…Ba Bye…CHEERS!


H.O.W. said...

I still liked the blog on Asian Age, probably I could relate it too more...Cheers...keep writing...

M said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M said...

Great post man! I really liked the Asian age one too. As usual your descriptions of events had me doubling up with laughter! Keep writing...

P.S. Sorry for the earlier comment. There was a mix-up.

Unknown said...

hey hey tat was awesum description... really liked it.... nicely decked up boy... keep up teh good work... rather... y dun u try ur hands at dialogue or rather script writing....cheers boy... ciao...